Link: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/CeNgIoZZ268/0.jpg
1) Glass Plates - This image I thought showed an interest layout structure, with the shape of the plates. Which I think gives it a Sci-Fi theme, in terms of the structure of a flying saucer.
Below are the concepts I developed based on this image, which spread out into other genres such as; music and technical patterns.
The main idea for these concepts is to create an environment that shows two sides of itself from different perspectives. Where it would look ordinary from a front view, but change drastically from observing it at a bird-eye view.

Link: http://static.blogo.it/designerblog/koivu.jpg
2) Pole Lights - I liked the idea of having light being contained in the shape of an organic object, which is why I found this image to be illuminating. Based on how the objects blend in with the evironment (trees), I think it works on many levels.
The concept that I sketched is to do with space in certain environments, so that the size of the design structure won't just fit into the environment, but also blend in with the surroundings.
Concept 2
3) Tree Machete - This design I liked it's shape, because it resembles a tree portraying organic features. I also like the spacing that it has inbetween the structure.
From that concept I thought it would benifit students to have a shared space, that is individually sperated at the same time.
Which is what my concept below depicts, using cubicle objects for students to sit down on.
Link: http://www.swiss-miss.com/wp-content/uploads/legacy/photos/uncategorized/2007/11/02/12.jpg

One of the concepts below is a battery capsule, desined for students to either chill or produce some ideas in. The idea is for the surroundings to help them channel their creative energy, to produce good ideas as well as to relax in.
Link: www.google.co.uk/images

Link: http://agentsofurbanism.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/dubai-deathstar.gif
My concepts are focused around object spheres, that are contructed in variable size for individuals or group numbers. For instance people who want their own space, and groups that need an area to gather their thought together.
Link: http://talkingnerdy.com/wp-content/upload/2008/12/legolution-300x225.jpg
6) Lego - lution - This image I found inventive on how the designer used the concept of lego and fused it with evolution. What I like about this image the most is the simplicity of it, which makes the idea itself able to expand into many other directions.
From this idea I have based my concepts around evolution and plan to use a simple element that portrays, a wide range of creative potential.
One of the ideas I had was a Tadpole/Seaman, which could be used as a thinking cacoon for students to generate ideas.
I thought that since it is the most basic stage of human evoltuion. that it would remind students of the amount of potentail that they pocess.

Below is the image of the armadillo structure from the design in communication project.
Link: http://www.ozoux.com/eclectic/archive/2008/02/18/images/2008/armadillo-lizard.jpg
Paper Model
Concept 7
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