Monday 24 May 2010


Dear Southwark Design Team,

It will help you to concentrate on your main concept,
It should be clear to you that the main goal is to convey a visual representation of a design, idea.
You should be more descriptive and focus on: materials, styles and themes.
Also you should have areas that you are working on
  1. Planning and designing recreation areas such as common areas,
  2. Preparing environmentally sensitive site plans for the college
  3. Making recommendations on the appropriate design of structures and other facilities to insure that you complement Colleges' natural settings and landscape character
  4. Assisting in the development and review of land and resource management plans
Remember that you should have a concept, manifestations and executions.


  1. Hi Southwark team

    Your team has to decide a specific direction; so far the designs do not look homogeneous. Some of them look like modern art, some others look like urban,hip graphic design and some other futuristic. Don't go all over the place but find a specific direction to go in order to spend more time improving your quality of work.
    We need to see some more substantial designs too, taking under consideration the location and the surroundings.
    Here is a link to take some ideas for visual representations. Get inspiration don't copy:

    A good presentation can take credits from the clients and influence them positive towards your work.

  2. We decided the direction thanx to the fact being inhomogeneous ;) we were trying everything possible now after first concept burned, because we out of time :)
